Friday, July 16, 2010
Obama Condemns Iran Mosque Bombing
"The murder of innocent civilians in their place of worship is an intolerable offense, and those who carried it out must be held accountable," Obama said in a statement.
It's a shame the president won't condemn terrorist acts against America, or even call them what they are.
Remember his November 6, 2009 statement, "We don't know all the answers yet. And I would caution against jumping to conclusions until we have all the facts," when Nidal Hassan murdered American servicemembers at Fort Hood? This in spite of many eyewitness reports of Hasan shouting "Allahu Akbar!" as he opened fire.
Remember in November.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Kill the Ground Zero Mosque -- The Ad NBC and CBS Will Not Air
I was in New York City the week before the attack, for a marketing conference. On Sunday, September 9, I took the opportunity to sightsee, making the Circle Line Tour to Ellis Island and visiting Lady Liberty. I chose to walk back to my hotel, traveling through the shadows of the World Trade Center Twin Towers. Two days later I watched in horror as the terrorists found their targets.
I returned to the City early November and walked from Grand Central Station to Ground Zero. There were literally thousands of us, heading south, preferring to walk rather than take a taxi. We were sharing where we were from and where we were the day of the attacks. The mood was respectful and reserved, quiet, but still conversational.
As we moved closer to Ground Zero we could smell the odor of burnt... everything. Our conversations quieted. When we got within a few blocks, we began to see manhole covers blown off, debris, destruction. All conversation stopped. Many wept openly, including me. It was hard to breathe, and not just because of the smell and heaviness of the air.
Somewhere between Grand Central and Ground Zero we changed from Americans visiting the site of our Nation's worst attack since Pearl Harbor... to Americans making a pilgrimage to show respect to those who perished.
Now those who make pilgrimage to mecca choose to build a mosque upon what should be for all Americans hallowed ground, ground which is no less holy than the Fields of Gettysburg.
Kill the Ground Zero mosque.
Jihad Watch
The Washington Times for full story.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Once to Every Man and Nation
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6.
It's true, I go back to basics, what I learned from my parents. Specifically, the old hymns that I first learned to sing with my mother, we drove our Siamese cats crazy, with our noise. Then I progressed to learning The Apostles' Creed, making my first attempt at cursive writing. I was so proud when I showed it to my mom. She praised me and admired my work, then gently explained that I had to make a break between my words, they only LOOKED like they all ran together--
Comforting hymns, comforting creeds, comforting memories. All take me back, when happy or sad, jubilant or in defeat, optimistic -- or as now -- in desperate dread at what is happening to our Nation.
So, for lack of a sermon that resonated, my hymnal browsing became an absolute necessity. And I turned first to the hymns of my childhood and my mother, The Old Rugged Cross and I Love to Tell the Story, then to Be Thou My Vision, a hymn I learned to love because it was such an important prayer to a dear friend and Navy Chaplain. And finally to Once to Every Man and Nation, difficult to sing, even harder to accept as challenge.
Written by James Russell Lowell (1819-1891), the son of a Unitarian minister in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Lowell was an abolitionist who opposed the Mexican War. The annexation of Texas, adding a new and large slave-holding state, inspired him to write The Present Crisis, four verses of which comprise the hymn Once to Every Man and Nation.
Once to every man and nation,
comes the moment to decide,
in the strife of truth with falsehood,
for the good or evil side
some great cause, some great decision,
offering each the bloom or blight,
and the choice goes by forever,
'twixt that darkness and that light.
Then to side with truth is noble,
when we share her wretched crust,
ere her cause bring fame and profit,
and 'tis prosperous to be just;
then it is the brave man chooses
while the coward stands aside,
till the multitude make virtue
of the faith they had denied.
By the light of burning martyrs,
Christ, thy bleeding feet we track,
toiling up new Calvaries ever
with the cross that turns not back;
new occasions teach new duties,
ancient values test our youth;
they must upward still and onward,
who would keep abreast of truth.
Though the cause of evil prosper,
yet the truth alone is strong;
though her portion be the scaffold,
and upon the throne be wrong;
yet that scaffold sways the future,
and behind the dim unknown,
standeth God within the shadow,
keeping watch above his own.
I'm at that "moment to decide", as are many reading this now, as are millions of Americans across our Homeland.
The cause of evil prospers today, as in the past. Our elected officials ingore the will of the People, trample on the Constitution. Our leaders are no better, their moral compass corrupted by power. The future of our Nation truly does sway upon the scaffold of tyranny. And it seems we cannot stop the relentless march toward socialism.
In spite of the president's assertions to the contrary, voiced in a muslim country, America is a Christian nation, built upon Judeo-Christian values and founded by men who wove their reverence for a Supreme Being into the very fiber of our Nation.
But the president spent the most formative years of his childhood in the company of communists, invited into his home as beloved family members. He lived in a communist nation, Indonesia, still home to the largest muslim population in the world. His values do not align with those of most Americans; his cultural identity is not that of an American.
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
Though the cause of evil prosper,
yet the truth alone is strong;
though her portion be the scaffold,
and upon the throne be wrong;
yet that scaffold sways the future,
and behind the dim unknown,
standeth God within the shadow,
keeping watch above his own.
I may fear for our Nation. But I trust that the devotion of its Citizens and faith in our Creator will prevail.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Patriotism, Pageantry and Passion. And Progressive Propaganda
The MCAS Base Theater is the largest theater in North Carolina and seats approximately 2,000. The concert was sold out and the theater filled early; our group went out to dinner first, then found and greeted other friends at the theater, all as enthusiastic as we, in anticipation of an evening of patriotic music.
For those readers who haven't attended a military movie, sporting event, or any other official function... it always begins with the playing of The Star Spangled Banner. Something I've experienced since my birth.
My father was a World War II veteran, ball turret gunner on B24s with 50 missions over the European Theater and based in Benghazi, Libya. He went on to retire from the United States Air Force. My earliest memories are of standing, with hand over my heart, at the playing of our National Anthem at the beginning of a basketball game or movie. A memory made even more powerful because we were overseas, far away from our American home.
Feeling the strong martial bass of the melody rumble in my stomach and hearing the powerful lyrics of this one special song has always given me goosebumps. From my childhood, then as a teenager at America's Bicentennial celebration, to every movie or event Jason and I attend now, the awe, the reverence -- the goosebumps -- have remained the same.
The Wednesday evening concert was no different. In fact, it was more powerful because I was part of a community -- of servicemembers: active, retired, and dependents -- enhanced by the civilian community that has supported its military counterpart for over six decades. Imagine 2,000 Americans, standing and singing our National Anthem in accompaniment to the North Carolina Symphony, in a venue where so many Marines are deployed in defense of our freedom. Brought me to tears.
Made me wonder...................
I'm an amateur student of history, favoring the Second World War and aviation in particular. Because of my Dad's service and because I flew airplanes for a living when I was younger. Most certainly because I'm a bit odd! But I've always worried about the feeling of raw emotion and patriotism that The Star Spangled Banner can elicit; especially powerful as Marines Pass in Review. A Wing Level change of command a decade ago included a half dozen General Officers, honors rendered, unit colors flying in the breeze. Very martial. Very Triumph of the Will, Leni Riefenstahl, Nuremberg Rally.
Very disturbing because it was simple to comprehend how a mass of people could be so easily moved by pageantry, passion -- and propaganda. But it can't happen here. Civilian control of the military. Our Constitution. States rights. A history of freedom based upon shared sacrifice. Our First Amendment rights.
Click on these links and you'll know that it can, and is, happening now: Obama Youth Alpha and Omega chant. School children sing praises to Barack Hussein Obama. California parents use their young children as propaganda, first video to surface. And of course, the "Civilian National Security Force" that will be as strong as our military. Under Obama's total control, of course.
Have I mentioned that the NC Symphony Red, White and Blue concert was last Wednesday? Music night at what used to be known as The People's House. Now it's the Obama's private (weekly) venue for new or very long-in-the-tooth, musicians and musical groups. But wait, a bonus last week, there were TWO music evenings, the second soiree before the Sunday evening at Ford's Theater. But I'll focus on the first.
Because it's taken me almost a week to blog this. A week to be circumspect, to work out the compare-and-contrast, to be able to paint a picture and draw a line between past and present. To hope our future does not repeat the past.
Because we came home from the patriotism of the concert, the more-than-moving Star Spangled Banner; followed by Aaron Copland's Fanfare for the Common Man; Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy; The Liberty Bell March; From Sea to Shining Sea, An American Medley; and ending with two standing ovations that earned our audience a spectacular arrangement of The Battle Hymn of the Republic, and ended with an exhortation: God Bless America. With everyone standing -- appropriate for a prayer for our Nation -- and as we were when the concert opened (...thank you, Al).
But we came home from the concert, turned on the computer, and read that 67 year old "Sir" Paul McCartney had sang the Beatles hit Michelle to Michelle Obama at the weekly Wednesday night music event. And insulted a former President, in OUR house, while fawning in adulation over the current occupant. We were treated to detailed descriptions of music, garb, commentary of Obama "feeling the music and swaying" as "his wife mouthed the words". Every MSM outlet parroting the party line.
From passionate patriotism of song -- to empty pageantry of the Washington elite. From paeans in celebration of America -- to progressive propaganda -- in search of absolute power.
We must gather at every opportunity to celebrate freedom and to provide a beacon of light to those who wander in the darkness of the Obama Alpha and Omega -- those who have chosen to repeat the blind worship so evident at the Nuremberg Rallies and chillingly chronicled in Triumph of the Will.
We are Americans and we will not be silenced.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Louisiana Congressman Breaks Down During Hearing
It's even harder to watch if you've seen any part of Obama's news conference yesterday. He was detached, distanced, disdainful of any impact of the spill except that which affects him personally.
To say that I am concerned for the future of our Nation is an understatement. I am also sad that Americans have elected an Alinskyite, Cloward-Piven "leader" who looks to every crisis as an opportunity to further undermine our Constitution and consolidate power in Washington.
Friday, May 21, 2010
We are Under Assault on ALL Fronts
As Charles Krauthammer writes below, with much more eloquent prose than I could ever aspire to, this assault is by design. An assault upon our freedoms that is promulgated by a President who hates America, hates American Exceptionalism, and by extension, I can only surmise that he hates American citizens...
...while he publicly embraces hoards of illegal immigrants who invade our country at will. But of course this President would welcome illegal immigrants; they bring their culture, language, mores and refuse to assimilate into our American culture. Their presence simply fuels his plan to undermine the fabric of our shared national identity.
The election in November is about so much more than ousting the incumbents, returning fiscal responsibility, states rights, national security, all the freedoms enumerated and reserved to We the People by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
The election is about the survival of the United States of America.
Hyperbole? No. Fact based on fear. Fear raised by what one man has already accomplished in only 16 months in power. Not in office. Not governing, but in the words of his own spokesperson, during the transition period, but of one man RULING over America.
Please become even more active, vocal (while you still can), proseletize, preach, pray. We can make a difference but we have to start now. And we cannot let down our guard. Because while we secure one front, we lose another.
The Fruits of Weakness
By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, May 21, 2010
It is perfectly obvious that Iran's latest uranium maneuver, brokered by Brazil and Turkey, is a ruse. Iran retains more than enough enriched uranium to make a bomb. And it continues enriching at an accelerated pace and to a greater purity (20 percent). Which is why the French foreign ministry immediately declared that the trumpeted temporary shipping of some Iranian uranium to Turkey will do nothing to halt Iran's nuclear program.
It will, however, make meaningful sanctions more difficult. America's proposed Security Council resolution is already laughably weak -- no blacklisting of Iran's central bank, no sanctions against Iran's oil and gas industry, no nonconsensual inspections on the high seas. Yet Turkey and Brazil -- both current members of the Security Council -- are so opposed to sanctions that they will not even discuss the resolution. And China will now have a new excuse to weaken it further.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Obama Calls Out Riot Police in Quincy, IL April Video
But let a few hundred peaceful citizens, of all ages, assemble outside a venue where Obama was speaking... and the SWAT team is called out to control the angry mob. I certainly hope these SWAT team members have heard of Oath Keepers and that they have joined that organization, because if they have joined Oath Keepers, then there's a very good chance that they would not fire upon peaceful American citizens if given the order.
Even if you have never taken the oath to "Uphold and defend the Constitution..." you can support Oath Keepers as a Citizen Associate Member. Click here to learn more.
We the People FOUR -- Obama ZERO
New Jersey: Governor; Virginia: Governor; Massachusetts: Senator; Pennsylvania: Senator.
Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas, forced into a runoff. Rand Paul, supported by Tea Party Patriots, won against a GOP candidate heavily endorsed by the entrenched republican network. Yet the main stream media still insists there is no anti-incumbent wave moving across the Nation. That this is not a barometer for November, "Turnout was low", "Candidates who switch parties seldom win their next elections", blah, blah, blah.
Well, we can only hope Obama continues to campaign for dem (liberal / socialist / statist / marxist) candidates and increases his losing streak. Which means our Nation's chances for survival, for returning Constitutionalists to our Congress, will increase with each dem / Obama loss.
Yesterday's elections proved that We the People have won momentum that matches our motivation. Now we -- you and I -- need to multiply both momentum and motivation to insure that we return our Nation to the Representative Republic that our Framers created.
To quote Rand Paul, who expressed the sentiment of the majority of Tea Party supporters, "We have come to take our government back."
Monday, May 17, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Obama Administration Defies Congressional Subpoena
Read the complete article from the Washington Post. My comments, below.
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, April 27, 2010; 3:00 PM
We were just getting on the buses in D.C., November 5th, after a long day at the Capitol House Call protest called by Michelle Bachmann, when we learned about the Fort Hood shooting. Our group went from ebullience over the huge turnout on the Capitol lawn... to shock at news of the shooting. Reports did not mention that Nidal Malick Hasan was a muslim. Or that he shouted "Allahu Akbar!" before opening fire. We were immediately suspect, given his surname, but the talking heads assured us that the White House asserted that "This was not an act of terrorism."
Yeah, right.
Then the President himself was set to address the Nation. That was announced many, many times. We thought his address had been arranged to reassure the American people. That it was specifically designed in response to the shooting. Imagine our shock (again, but this time by an American President rather than a devout muslim attacker -- although some might postulate that he would qualify as both), but a second shock as the coverage switched to Obama. Not in the Oval Office, or Press Room, or Rose Garden, but at the Tribal Nations Conference, hosted by the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Instead of somber demeanor and sympathy for the victims' families, America was again assaulted by a terrorism of insensitivity from this supposedly eloquent and empathetic President. A President who, after a horrific assault on American Servicemembers, an assault that occurred on American soil, and that was perpetrated by an American citizen upon fellow citizens, after all this outrage we watched a President give a "Shout out" to "Dr. Joe Medicine Crow -- that Congressional Medal of Honor winner."
More outrage, more stunned disbelief. First, no compassion. Second, wrong designation of the Medal -- not Congressional -- and it is not "won", it is awarded for the highest level of honor, courage and devotion to Nation, most often as a posthumous award. Third, Dr. Crow was awarded the Congressional Medal of Freedom.
But I digress --
Our group was stunned into silence, that turned to outrage at the lack of compassion, then slowly morphed into resolve to require justice for those slain and wounded.
Now, as Congress attempts to investigate the Fort Hood terrorist attack, an investigation undertaken because the Obama Administration Justice Department has not released complete facts and has refused to label the "violence" as a act of terrorism, now the American people are further assaulted by the Obama Administration's complete lack of compliance and cooperation with a Congressional investigation.
We have many concerns, fought on many fronts, but we need to be aware, and make our Representatives aware, that we want answers. We want cooperation. And we want the Fort Hood shooting referred to as what it is, an act of terrorism, perpetrated by a devout muslim against American citizens.
But I forget, I have not voluntarily moderated my descriptors in my first sentence, therefore I must be demonized and marginalized, because... words "mean" something, they "incite actions". The President sanctimoniously preaches to us that "such incendiary language is dangerous".
As dangerous as all my fellow citizens gathered on the Capitol lawn the afternoon of November 5, 2009, peacefully protesting.
While a true act of radical Islamic terrorism had just occurred on American soil with Hasan murdering 13 innocent people, 12 of whom were American servicemembers, and injuring an additional 30.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Questions about the Ready Reserve Corps, HR 3590, Section 5210 -- Is It Obama's Civilian Security Force?
Passage of "Obamacare", HR 3590 includes revisions to the responsibilities of the Commissioned Corps, as well as how medical personnel can be retained (involuntarily and under a wider array of circumstances) and centralizes power to activate and direct Corps activity to the President of the United States. Complete text of HR 3590 here. Excerpt relating to the Commissioned Corps included below. CAPS and bolding indicates new text pertaining to prior Commissioned Corps definitions and scope.
While I have no doubt that this regime would not hesitate to usurp authority and use military force against its citizens ("Never let a good crisis go to waste."), I also believe it's critically important for us to be able to articulate our concerns based upon complete facts.
Yes, the Commissioned Corps has been in existence, in one form or another, for over 200 years. And yes, the language contained within HR 3590 expands Executive Branch control over one arm of our military services. The Commissioned Corps is considered a branch of the military and members wear Navy uniforms and rank follows the Navy command structure. These are facts.
Given Obama's 2008 statement that, "We've gotta have a civilian national security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."... I am very concerned about the increasingly centralized power that is being concentrated within the Executive Branch.
While HR 3590 does not CREATE a Ready Reserve, Civilian Force, or Commissioned Corps, it DOES continue Obama's desire that ultimate power reside within the Executive Branch, without the checks and balances devised by our Founders and codified within our Constitution.
Section 203 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 204)
is amended to read as follows:
‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—There shall be in the Service a commissioned
Regular Corps and a Ready Reserve Corps for service
in time of national emergency.
‘‘(2) REQUIREMENT.—All commissioned officers shall be citizens
of the United States and shall be appointed without regard
to the civil-service laws and compensated without regard to
the Classification Act of 1923, as amended.
‘‘(3) APPOINTMENT.—Commissioned officers of the Ready
Reserve Corps shall be appointed by the President and commissioned
officers of the Regular Corps shall be appointed by
the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.
‘‘(4) ACTIVE DUTY.—Commissioned officers of the Ready
Reserve Corps shall at all times be subject to call to active
duty by the Surgeon General, including active duty for the
purpose of training.
‘‘(5) WARRANT OFFICERS.—Warrant officers may be
appointed to the Service for the purpose of providing support
to the health and delivery systems maintained by the Service
and any warrant officer appointed to the Service shall be considered
for purposes of this Act and title 37, United States Code,
to be a commissioned officer within the Commissioned Corps
of the Service.
CORPS.—Effective on the date of enactment of the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act, all individuals classified as officers in
the Reserve Corps under this section (as such section existed on
the day before the date of enactment of such Act) and serving
on active duty shall be deemed to be commissioned officers of
the Regular Corps.
‘‘(1) PURPOSE.—The purpose of the Ready Reserve Corps
is to fulfill the need to have additional Commissioned Corps
personnel available on short notice (similar to the uniformed
service’s reserve program) to assist regular Commissioned
Corps personnel to meet both routine public health and emergency
response missions.
‘‘(2) USES.—The Ready Reserve Corps shall—
‘‘(A) participate in routine training to meet the general
and specific needs of the Commissioned Corps;
‘‘(B) be available and ready for involuntary calls to
active duty during national emergencies and public health
crises, similar to the uniformed service reserve personnel;
‘‘(C) be available for backfilling critical positions left
vacant during deployment of active duty Commissioned
Corps members, as well as for deployment to respond to
public health emergencies, both foreign and domestic; and
‘‘(D) be available for service assignment in isolated,
hardship, and medically underserved communities (as
defined in section 799B) to improve access to health services.
‘‘(d) FUNDING.—For the purpose of carrying out the duties and
responsibilities of the Commissioned Corps under this section, there
are authorized to be appropriated $5,000,000 for each of fiscal
years 2010 through 2014 for recruitment and training and
$12,500,000 for each of fiscal years 2010 through 2014 for the
Ready Reserve Corps.’’.
A Conservative Co-Opts Alinsky (And it's GREAT fun!)
I will share a new activity. Not my idea, wish it was... an activist at AFP's training in DC back in October described it to me. I forgot til now. No surprise to those who know me personally! But... I have been ill. Very bad bronchitis, etc., absolutely no energy unless I push hard. Just blah. But THIS made my day --
We were at at unnamed retailer. I was browsing for inexpensive DVD movies. Came across the first culprit, a documentary epic of our Dear Leader. Huge smiling visage on the front cover: Duplicitous. Deceptive. Disgusting.
So... I gathered up all four copies, turned them 180 degrees to where the cover faced backwards, then put them in an empty slot on the very top shelf, and for good measure... put a copy of the original 1970s Hercules in front! It was fantastic. My little act of defiance!!!
THEN, I found a second video screed of the inaugural. And did the same thing again. And for good measure, I detoured through the book section -- no luck for hardcovers -- but I did put a Beadmaking issue in front of the current Good Housekeeping, graced by Mrs. Sanctimonious.
You should try it. VERY, VERY exhilirating. I feel better than I have in weeks.
But seriously, while my actions were a bit juvenile (but satisfying) we do need to use psy-ops and guerilla ops against the progressives every chance we can. We can do this by commenting on liberal blogs and websites, on their Facebook pages and other social media, and by embedding links when possible, to conservative sites.
These are their Alinsky tactics, which we have very effectively learned to use against them.
While we won't impact everyone who reads our comments, we may plant a seed of appreciation for the Constitution in a few minds. And we have to win this one citizen at a time.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Pre-Existing Conditions Brought on by ObamaCare
Pre-Existing Conditions Brought on by ObamaCare
- Splinters from holding signs with wooden handles.
- Sunburn in the summer and hypothermia and frostbite in the winter.
- Acute nausea from chronic exposure to images of Nancy Pelosi.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome from writing emails and... letters to congressmen and senators.
- Post traumatic stress disorder.
- Urinary tract infections from lack of restroom facilities for people at protests.
- IBS from reading the news.
- Bulimia as a result of constant exposure to stomach churning legislation designed to remove our liberty.
- Angina resulting from reports of further over-reaches by our elected officials.
- Tourette's Syndrome - ie the obscenities that uncontrollably spew past my lips the minute BO, Nancy, Robert Gibbs, et al appear on the tv screen.
Monday, March 22, 2010
We're Not Gonna Take it Anymore
Become a fan of Dr. Benishek, donate what you can. The powers-that-be (at least in power for now...) will take note of the immediate increase. Remember Joe Wilson? The impact that made. We can do it again. Can't donate? Become a Facebook fan. No cost. High impact.
Media is noticing. Click here for coverage as well as Dr. Benishek's position on health care, immigration, national defense, fiscal responsibility, and a broad range of issues.
Want to send an even stronger message to the politicians and media? Help launch a Google Bomb. Simply use Google to search for "Dr Benishek" and or "Benishek for Congress". This spike in searches will result in a trend that the bloggers and news agencies will see. Search multiple times, his search results have gone from a few hundred to 48,800 (searching Benishek) at 3:30 a.m. I keep updating this post and have watched the results go up significantly over the last half hour.
This YouTube was posted on Dr. Benishek's Facebook wall and it's perfect for my mood tonight. Turn the speakers up and enjoy. Then for even more resolve, watch the Stupak video showing that he NEVER intended to vote no. He was holding out for the best deal.
Self-Serving Stupak
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I felt like I was watching the death of our Nation as the vote totals came in. Anger, tinged with an unbelievable sadness. They're counting on us to give up, go away, back down, forget. That's not going to happen. Especially if they continue to stay in the spotlight and gloat and congratulate each other over what a "Patriotic thing" they did tonight.
Because Pelosi just said, "Do you like that 220? A lot of bets were made on that." Then she did that simpering stupid laugh. That's what she thinks of the democratic process, of the takeover of 1/6 of the American economy and limiting our freedom of choice... she thinks it's a bet to win. To which I answer:
- Repeal. Impeach.
- Vote NO in NOvember.
- Tea Party Patriots. Sign the Repeal the Bill petition.
- Tea Party Nation
- Americans for Prosperity
- GOOOH (Get OUT of OUR House) pronounced GO
- Dan Benishek for Congress Facebook page -- Physician, Republican, running against Bart Stupak (He was at 8,700 fans when I posted this, notice the total.)
- Either Learn to Love Obamacare or Sue to Stop It
217th Vote
Notice to House: EVERY yes vote is the deciding vote. It takes EVERY vote to get to a majority. The first, 17th, 107th or 217th member who votes yes will each be held accountable by the voters.
And every member who votes yes tonight can expect a NO vote in NOvember.
Click here to visit Get Out of Our House -- GOOOH, pronounced "Go." GOOOH is a non-partisan plan to evict the career politicians from the U. S. House of Representatives.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Headed South
All ages were represented. The best part was seeing kids with their parents, carrying copies of the Constitution, learning about our system of government firsthand.
We met up with Larry from our Patriots group at the opening rally. He knows EVERYONE from EVERYWHERE! We had a great time, talking with other Patriots about which staffs were polite and which were horribly rude. Will be writing more than a few letters to congressmen, outlining staffs' lack of professionalism. And that's a kind description of behavior.
Larry, my sister and I visited 36 congressional offices -- I can't write congressman because no one was in. Larry took off to thank Michelle Bachmann and my sister wore out, so I visited another nine offices in the Longworth Building for a total of at least 45 face-to-face requests to "Vote NO" on the healthcare bill.
No wonder I'm tired!!! Will try and post a few photos while on the train. Will likely be tomorrow before I have everything updated.
Call your congressman TODAY, we need to keep up the pressure. The phones were being answered in every office we visited.
Calls are Running 5 to 1 AGAINST
Eureka! One Polite Dem Staffer
Rude Locals
Michele Bachmann
Michele Bachmann supports us as usual. She was one of the speakers at our 9 a.m. rally. We were already motivated... yet we still appreciated Congresswoman Bachmann's enthusiasm and support. We were in DC for her Capitol House Call November 5th. Thank God for women (and men) of conscience who are willing to serve our Nation.
Police told us we had to "Move along NOW" right after Michele finished speaking. Because we did not have a permit to assemble.
Amazing. We're citizens. Legal. Gathering together peacefully before heading across the street to TRY and meet with our elected representatives.
As we walked from Union Station to the Cannon Office Building, we encountered police with sniffer dogs at EVERY intersection. Not sure if the threat level was truly elevated. Or if law enforcement considered us the threat...
Charter Buses Headed In
On Our Way for the Surge
Just passed Occoquan and saw a small yacht at dock, almost totally submerged. What will happen to our economy if the healthcare takeover succeeds.
We're Part of the Surge to DC for Operation Urgent Care

We're just ouside DC and ready to make a difference! Had signs in the van windows, both sides, on the way north.
I remember how motivating it was for the 912 March when I saw private vehicles with signs and banners and KNEW they were headed to the Capitol. Same thing for the other events when I was on the bus. So... decided to make signs for the van.
We got lots of honks and thumbs up and waves on the way north. Hope some of the people who supported our protest will decide to head to the Capitol today and help stop this unconstitutional power grab.
Know there are a LOT of Patriots coming in from across the Nation. Saw three charter buses from Nashville pulling off the Interstate tonight about 10 p.m. I'm pretty certain they're here for the Surge, too. Can't wait to see the crowds tomorrow, at the rallying point outside the Cannon Office Building and inside all three House buildings. Hope we fill the halls to capacity and beyond.
Please call and fax your representatives today, and also call the ones who are wavering (or being blackmailed and bullied) and tell them to vote NO on the healthcare "reform" takeover attempt. Between your calls and a massive presence within their walls... we CAN Kill the Bill!
I plan to blog and send photos throughout the day, so please check back often for live updates.

Signs read: Patriots Surge to DC, and Honk NO to Healthcare Takeover
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The New GM (Government Motors) Introduces the Obamacar
This car runs on hot air, BS and broken promises.
It has three wheels that speed the vehicle through tight left turns.
It comes complete with two Teleprompters programmed to help the occupants talk their way out of any violations.
The transparent canopy reveals the plastic smiles still on the faces of all the happy owners.
Comes in S, M, L, XL and 2XL.
It won't get you to work, but hey, there aren't any jobs anyway!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Slaughter Solution --House Dems Scheme to Pass Obamacare Without a Vote
Given the subject matter of the Cameron article, I thought the Slaughter Solution referred to the abortion provisions of the current "health care bill." Apt name for what Obamacare is trying to do... to our youngest and to our elderly. Have to thin the rolls somehow, to keep costs down. Whether you slaughter at the front end or deny care at the end of life (and just WHO determines that euphemism???), either way -- it's slaughter.
So... I was surprised to find that the Slaughter Solution actually refers to House Rules Chairwoman Louise Slaughter (NY 28) who plans to re-write the rules to declare that the House "deems" the Senate version of Obamacare to have been passed by the House. House members would vote on the rule, but not on the bill. Remember "I voted for it before I voted against it" or "That depends on what the definition of 'Is', is."
How stupid do they think we are? Do they really think voters will forget these machinations?
Times have changed. Passions are engaged. Threaten my income, way of life, basic decision-making abilities, re: healthcare and other choices... that's one thing. But this power grab for 1/6 of the American economy does more than try and take away my freedom of choice. It will kill our economy and continue the devastation of free-market principles that began with the TARP bailouts and the assertion that "Certain companies are 'too big to fail.'"
Fiscal Responsibility. Constitutionally Limited Government. Free Market Principles.
No where in evidence in ANY social reeingineering project being pushed by this administration...
...I was traveling for business earlier this week and took a copy of Glenn Beck's Common Sense in my carry-on. Excellent read. But even better, was re-reading the original Common Sense by Thomas Paine. Such clarity, commitment, and yes, common sense. Oh, for such leaders today.
But we DO have those leaders. It's each one of us, at kitchen tables, with family and friends, at Patriot and Tea Party meetings, 912 Project events, rallies, protests. It's you, reading this now. We can, we have, made a difference.
Because our passion goes beyond republican, democrat and independent. Beyond conservative and liberal (or as they prefer now, progressive). The threat is to the survival of our Nation. And our commitment and passions are equal to the threat.
Our rights come not from the Declaration and Constitution -- these amazing documents simply state what our Founders knew to be obvious -- that our rights and freedoms are from God. We the People, GRANT, LOAN certain powers to the government.
Information is power. Communication is key. There IS strength in numbers and in the peaceful use of the tools guaranteed to us. We have a short time left to use those tools to influence the healthcare debate. Call. Write. Rally. Pray for our Nation.
Read the complete Slaughter Solution article and comments here.
Monday, March 8, 2010
WWII Veteran's Juggernaut Campaign
Saturday, January 30, 2010
To Paraphrase the "Gentleman" Who Was the Genesis...
I'm drawn to that particular quote tonight because I've just read Michael Barone's editorial piece, Democrats Fall as Fast as Nixon Republicans in 1974 I've been waiting for Barone to weigh-in; my dear husband would tell you that I've been driving him nuts, with my constant litany that I won't believe the 1994 comparisons til I hear it from Michael Barone. If you don't follow Barone's work, you should. He's measured, sober, insightful, and dead-on in his to-the-precinct and ward election analysis. And an exceptional writer, Our First Revolution, The Remarkable Upheaval That Inspired America's Founding Fathers.
So NOW I'm willing to put more faith in the lesser pundits who predict a democrat blood bath in November, much greater than 1994, more on a par with 1974. A reversal of political (mis)fortunes so huge that the very event could insure that -- The CAUSE of the Patriot, the HOPE of all who yearn to LIVE in Liberty, and the DREAM of our Founders -- will survive.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
MoveOn's Latest Spin... or Pitchforks at the Ready!
Didn't take the MoveOn crowd long to try and mobilize their angry base. Interesting that they're using pitchforks to signify "populist" rage AND they plan to send a pitchfork to the White House and to all dems in Congress. Can you imagine if a conservative organization used that tactic? Can you spell t-h-r-e-a-t? And it's a sure bet the MSM would be all over the symbolism and play up the violent intent of the protesters.
Beyond the double standard, after all, it's what we expect from the MSM -- beyond that...I'm confused. Aren't the so-called progressives (liberals, but they don't want to admit to that pejorative), but aren't the progressives the ones who don't believe in weapons of any type? Even make-believe. I seem to remember a case where a young child did what all little boys do, and made a gun shape with his hand, then said "Bang" to a classmate... and he was expelled. Now the MoveOn folks are sending pitchforks. And threats.
Read on to know what the enemy is sending out concerning yesterday’s election (links removed by author, for obvious reasons!):
Click here to sign the petition:
"Voters want real change. It's time for the Democratic Party to stop siding with corporate interests and start fighting for working families."
Sign the petition
Dear MoveOn member,
Watching a conservative Republican replace Ted Kennedy in the Senate is simply devastating.
But as bad as the news is this morning, there's actually one reason to be hopeful.
For the last year, most Democrats in Washington have let lobbyists and corporate interests run roughshod over the people's business. Wall Street got bailouts. Bankers got bonuses. Big Insurance rewrote the health care bill. Meanwhile, ordinary Americans continue to struggle to make ends meet.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Thank God!
Watching and Waiting and Watching...
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Massachusetts Can Lead the Way Once Again
I thought we'd win New York 23 and we probably did. Just that the machine went into full-fury and precincts were not counted, under-reported, all the same issues that plagued Minnesota and gave us the fool, Franken.
That can't happen Tuesday. The margin has to be huge. Large enough that even the corrupt MA political machine, augmented by the Chicago thugs, in full complicity with the main stream media -- the win has to be so large that even those factions won't dare disparage the outcome.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Haitian Relief Efforts
The Salvation Army, Red Cross and many churches, credit unions and other community and civic organizations are organizing relief efforts. has added a box on its home page that customers can click to donate to the Haiti relief efforts of Mercy Corps, and anyone with a cell phone can donate $10 to the American Red Cross by sending a text message with the word "HAITI" to 90999.
The FBI today released a warning about potential Haitian Earthquake Relief Frauds. If you are solicited for funds to benefit Haiti relief efforts, be extremely cautious and verify before disclosing financial information.
Please consider donating what you can to help the survivors.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
A Single Seed Grows Many Branches: ACORN’s Web of Connections in North Carolina
From NC Civitas
The Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now (ACORN) has woven itself into the fabric of the left in North Carolina. Listed below are short explanations of the ties between the groups illustrated on the above chart. For more detailed information on ACORN NC see
Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now (ACORN)
ACORN NC – ACORN’s North Carolina arm – has offices in Raleigh, Durham and Charlotte. ACORN NC is a member of Blueprint NC and partners with NC Housing Coalition, NC Policy Watch and the NC Justice Center, among others.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Why the Health-Care Bills Are Unconstitutional
President Obama's health-care bill is now moving toward final passage. The policy issues may be coming to an end, but the legal issues are certain to continue because key provisions of this dangerous legislation are unconstitutional. Legally speaking, this legislation creates a target-rich environment. We will focus on three of its more glaring constitutional defects.
First, the Constitution does not give Congress the power to require that Americans purchase health insurance. Congress must be able to point to at least one of its powers listed in the Constitution as the basis of any legislation it passes. None of those powers justifies the individual insurance mandate. Congress's powers to tax and spend do not apply because the mandate neither taxes nor spends. The only other option is Congress's power to regulate interstate commerce.