Friday, May 21, 2010

We are Under Assault on ALL Fronts

We're being assaulted on all fronts. While we're trying to slow down and eventually block Kagan's lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court, Hillary's State Department is agreeing to a UN resolution that will restrict our Second Amendment rights. The Senate has voted to extend government grip on the financial industry, the FCC continues to push control of the Internet, while no longer referred to openly as the Fairness Doctrine, the eventual outcome will be my inability to even publish my views to this blog and your ability to access, read, and share.

As Charles Krauthammer writes below, with much more eloquent prose than I could ever aspire to, this assault is by design. An assault upon our freedoms that is promulgated by a President who hates America, hates American Exceptionalism, and by extension, I can only surmise that he hates American citizens...

...while he publicly embraces hoards of illegal immigrants who invade our country at will. But of course this President would welcome illegal immigrants; they bring their culture, language, mores and refuse to assimilate into our American culture. Their presence simply fuels his plan to undermine the fabric of our shared national identity.

The election in November is about so much more than ousting the incumbents, returning fiscal responsibility, states rights, national security, all the freedoms enumerated and reserved to We the People by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The election is about the survival of the United States of America.

Hyperbole? No. Fact based on fear. Fear raised by what one man has already accomplished in only 16 months in power. Not in office. Not governing, but in the words of his own spokesperson, during the transition period, but of one man RULING over America.

Please become even more active, vocal (while you still can), proseletize, preach, pray. We can make a difference but we have to start now. And we cannot let down our guard. Because while we secure one front, we lose another.

The Fruits of Weakness
By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, May 21, 2010

It is perfectly obvious that Iran's latest uranium maneuver, brokered by Brazil and Turkey, is a ruse. Iran retains more than enough enriched uranium to make a bomb. And it continues enriching at an accelerated pace and to a greater purity (20 percent). Which is why the French foreign ministry immediately declared that the trumpeted temporary shipping of some Iranian uranium to Turkey will do nothing to halt Iran's nuclear program.

It will, however, make meaningful sanctions more difficult. America's proposed Security Council resolution is already laughably weak -- no blacklisting of Iran's central bank, no sanctions against Iran's oil and gas industry, no nonconsensual inspections on the high seas. Yet Turkey and Brazil -- both current members of the Security Council -- are so opposed to sanctions that they will not even discuss the resolution. And China will now have a new excuse to weaken it further.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Obama Calls Out Riot Police in Quincy, IL April Video

I was ill when this happened and didn't get it posted. Still an important reminder of what is happening in our Nation today under the Obama Regime. Members of the Black Panther Party can physically intimidate voters in Philadelphia, SGLU members can savagely beat a black conservative outside a town hall meeting in Alton, IL, Obama supporters can assault Tea Partiers in Harry Reid's hometown of Searchlight, Nevada during a Tea Party Express III rally.

But let a few hundred peaceful citizens, of all ages, assemble outside a venue where Obama was speaking... and the SWAT team is called out to control the angry mob. I certainly hope these SWAT team members have heard of Oath Keepers and that they have joined that organization, because if they have joined Oath Keepers, then there's a very good chance that they would not fire upon peaceful American citizens if given the order.

Even if you have never taken the oath to "Uphold and defend the Constitution..." you can support Oath Keepers as a Citizen Associate Member. Click here to learn more.

We the People FOUR -- Obama ZERO

Obama campaigned for candidates in these elections... and LOST.

New Jersey: Governor; Virginia: Governor; Massachusetts: Senator; Pennsylvania: Senator.

Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas, forced into a runoff. Rand Paul, supported by Tea Party Patriots, won against a GOP candidate heavily endorsed by the entrenched republican network. Yet the main stream media still insists there is no anti-incumbent wave moving across the Nation. That this is not a barometer for November, "Turnout was low", "Candidates who switch parties seldom win their next elections", blah, blah, blah.

Well, we can only hope Obama continues to campaign for dem (liberal / socialist / statist / marxist) candidates and increases his losing streak. Which means our Nation's chances for survival, for returning Constitutionalists to our Congress, will increase with each dem / Obama loss.

Yesterday's elections proved that We the People have won momentum that matches our motivation. Now we -- you and I -- need to multiply both momentum and motivation to insure that we return our Nation to the Representative Republic that our Framers created.

To quote Rand Paul, who expressed the sentiment of the majority of Tea Party supporters, "We have come to take our government back."

Monday, May 17, 2010

Redesigning the Blog

Check back soon, hope to have it back in shape.