Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Houston Tea Party Rally Draws More Than 10,000

If the Houston Tea Party rally reporting is similar to the 912 March on the Capitol, then the actual numbers are probably 50,000. The Houston turnout was fantastic and should (but won't) answer the critics who said the Tea Party movement is just a fad, will fade away in the fall. It won't.

I'm headed for Raleigh Thursday, supporting the Americans for Prosperity Congressional House Call effort. Taking a group of five and hoping the crowd will be overwhelming. Since we're grassroots (not astroturf) and not coordinated,  compensated, or coereced, we don't know who or how many, will be there.

Would love to head to DC and support Michelle Bachmann's Call to the Capitol. Have contacted the local Tea Party Patriots to see if we have enough interest to charter a bus. Five buses went out for the 912 March, surely we can come up with one bus for Thursday.

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