Monday, October 26, 2009

REPUBLICAN Attack Ad Targets CONSERVATIVE Doug Hoffman, NY 23

I can't believe the National Republican Congressional Committee is targeting the only conservative in the NY 23 race. People, like me, who support Doug Hoffman, who contribute to his campaign, but do not live in New York are being accused of meddling. Newt Gingrich's spokesman, Rick Tyler, appearing on Neil Cavuto's show, asserts that if conservatives don't vote for Scuzzy, then it will be our fault if the democrat is elected.

Excuse me? A vote for Scuzzy is a vote for Owens is a vote for the democrat. There is no difference in ideology or practice. So if conservatives vote values, Newt and Tyler will claim the conservatives gave the election to the democrat. They don't get it. A democrat wins UNLESS voters stand on principle and vote for the conservative.

Even if Hoffman loses (which I don't think will happen), even if he loses, surely the republican leadership will see that if they don't select, endorse, promote conservative candidates, then they can't expect voters to simply check the box next to the candidate with the (R) behind his name.

It won't be "We the People" who cost the election(s). It will be the tone-deaf, entrenched, out-of-touch republican leadership who refuse to acknowledge that the Tea Party movement -- the FISCAL Conservative, personal RESPONSIBILITY, robust national DEFENSE -- that the Tea Party Patriots are fed up with all politicians.

The third-party-can't-win scare tactics have gone on too long. The voters of NY 23 have a unique opportunity to send a message to the entire Nation by voting their values and not the party. NY 23 can be the beginning of real CHANGE.

I know it can happen because I was at the 912 March on the Capitol and it was all ages, all political ideologies, all walks of life, all AMERICANS. Each ready to vote for whomever we believe will restore our Nation to the Constitutional Republic our Founders fought and sacrificed to form.

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