Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Beginning of the End?

Fox News just headlined the House bill passage as, "Historic" in it's While You Slept segment.

I'm in Tampa, headed for the Packers - Bucs game this afternoon, and am sure the guests in the rooms next to mine could hear me yell, in response to Fox' characterization, "Unconstitutional, socialist, draconian, illegal, unsustainable, idiotic." And more that I can't remember now, I'm so angry.

Tried to contact Cao's (R {?!} - LA) office last night, after his traiterous vote -- that allowed the House "Leadership" to smirkingly note that the Bill was bipartisan -- with one (so-called) republican vote. His voicemail system would not record a message and his email link was conveniently disabled. But Cao's statement asserted that he had received promises from president Obama. Well of course that makes his vote okay. Because we all know Obama keeps his promises. Does not obfuscate. Has the best interests of the Nation at heart. We could see that in his remarks immediately after the Ft. Hood shooting.

We were on the charter bus, on the way home from the Thursday Rally at the Capitol, when it was reported that Obama would address the Nation at 5 p.m. Cut to the president. And we all sat in stunned silence at first, as we heard him banter with the audience at the Indian affairs conference. Then we looked at each other in disbelief at his disconnect.

We had been ebullient over the numbers of protesters at the Rally, then got on the bus and heard about the terrorist attack at Ft. Hood and focus immediately shifted to the victims and their families. With concern that the attack would widen.

But Obama, in an after-thought, reads words written by others and promises us updates. Can you remember President Reagan's words after the Beirut bombing of the Marine Barracks? Or President Bush standing on the rubble after the attacks of 911? But Obama made it okay because he went to Walter Reed the next day to visit wounded warriors. And he took the press with him, as he did when he was present when our fallen warriors returned to Andrews in the middle of the night.

There is ample documentation (after-the-fact) that President Bush often visited our military hospitals. Privately, not looking for praise. Doing the right thing, when no one was watching. The American people were watching Thursday night and it's clear that Obama's Shout-Out to an audience member was more important than recognizing the terrorist attack that had just occured at Ft. Hood. Obama is ignoring our servicemembers, in his refusal to make a decision on Afghanistan, and in his lack of compassion or concern for the Ft. Hood victims just as the House ignored the will of the people.

But we can still affect the Senate; it will take more than phone calls (voicemail overloaded), more than emails (links disabled), more than visits (they ignored tens of thousands of us last Thursday). It will take showing up in person, at your Representative's local offices. Sign the guest book, talk to the inept aides, leave a handwritten letter and ask for a receipt. Send letters, old-fashioned snail mail. Request a return receipt when you send to at least tie up their mail service. Get behind conservative candidates and support them with your actions, words, and cash. Proselytize with your friends; preach to the uninformed. Take a chance -- you might find that there are more people who share your views than who do not.

I have an Americans for Prosperity Hands off my Healthcare sticker on my rolling carry-on for my flights to Tampa. No one tripped me or kicked my bag, but lots of people stopped me to tell me they liked my sticker and were excited to hear that I'd been at the rally. All were concerned about the pending vote and it's affect on our Nation and all were ready to become even more involved to stop our slide to socialism.

Judging by their sentiments, as well as my fellow Patriots from the Thursday rally, it is the Beginning of the End, but not for our Nation and not for the American people. It's the countdown to the end of careers for every politician who voted 'Yes' last night.

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