Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Seize the Day" Fund, a George Soros Initiative

EXCERPT: The global economic crisis and recent changes in the U.S. political environment have elevated the risks and opportunities for building a better society in America. In order to ensure that the most critical work moves forward during this period, the Open Society Institute's U.S. Programs created a special fund, known informally as the "Seize the Day" Fund, to provide timely support for efforts to:

•advance the most challenging issues—including mass incarceration, immigration, drug policy, and structural inequality—as part of a transformative national agenda;
•ensure transparency, accountability, and equity in the development and implementation of economic recovery plans;
•increase public participation in policy reform efforts by those most impacted, including people of color, immigrant, and low-income communities; and
•integrate recent innovations in organizing and technology into more organizations and movements. END EXCERPT

Unfortunately for them, organizations like Americans for Prosperity are helping grassroots Americans (not astroturf) learn to use technology and social media to spread our message. And unlike Soros Foundation workers, there's no such thing as a paid volunteer if you're referring to a conservative.

Let's see... Paid or Patriot. Who will have the staying power?

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