Friday, October 23, 2009

College Thesis: 'So-Called Founders Didn't Allow for Economic Freedom'

Lots of conversation about the latest quote, thought, opinion, words... attributed to Obama. Even if it cannot be documented, does anyone doubt his antipathy toward our Nation? I wonder if Obama has even read the Constitution. Does he own a personal copy? How about the Federalist Papers? Maybe read or watched John Adams by David McCullough or 1776 by the same author?

How many reading this can say yes to AT LEAST one of those questions? How many can quote our "So-Called Founders" AND know the context of the quote? Then discuss and defend at great length. I'm willing to bet that many, many more Americans are reading our Constitution today. A document that not only provided a framework of governance, but also anticipated the assaults on our freedom that would inevitably occur. And are upon us now--

How amazing that our Founding Fathers could devise a system of government that can withstand the test of time... and of tyrants.

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from his government." Thomas Paine

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