Pre-Existing Conditions Brought on by ObamaCare
- Splinters from holding signs with wooden handles.
- Sunburn in the summer and hypothermia and frostbite in the winter.
- Acute nausea from chronic exposure to images of Nancy Pelosi.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome from writing emails and... letters to congressmen and senators.
- Post traumatic stress disorder.
- Urinary tract infections from lack of restroom facilities for people at protests.
- IBS from reading the news.
- Bulimia as a result of constant exposure to stomach churning legislation designed to remove our liberty.
- Angina resulting from reports of further over-reaches by our elected officials.
- Tourette's Syndrome - ie the obscenities that uncontrollably spew past my lips the minute BO, Nancy, Robert Gibbs, et al appear on the tv screen.